Written By
Esther McCracken
Where and When
17th – 19th March 1988 @ The Allendale Centre, Wimborne
The Plot
Mildred and Arthur Royd, Marcia’s parents, own a country cottage intended for quiet week-ends. It does not, however, work out that way on some occasions. The place is never quite ready and neighbours drop in at inconvenient moments. Soon after the play opens, Marcia and he husband arrive to join the party, but the couple are not, at the moment, on the best of terms. Then Miranda, a young guest, is emabrassingly devoted to Denys, the Royds’ young son, who is at present greatly attracted to the more glamorous Rowena Marriott, with whom he arrives. Mildred has to cope with the complications which develop in such an ill-assorted party. Arthur is chiefly concerned with fishing in the company of Adrian Barasford, a bachelor neighbour. Adrian’s interest is divided between fishing and his devotion to Mary Jarrow, a charming middle-aged woman living nearby. Everything goes wrong, and, worst of all, Arthur and Adrian become involved in a salmon-poaching escapade. Matters are somewhat straightened out suring Sunday, but all leave rather hurriedly to escape the consequences and to evade a visit from the vicar who is on their track for a subscription.
Ticket info
- Adults – £2.00
- Senior Citizens and Children – £1.50
- Sam Pecker – Jim Ruegg
- Mary Jarrow – Pam Feltham
- Miranda Bute – Shirley Ilott
- Sally Spender – Mavis Hazleden
- Midred Royd – Joyce Eidmans
- Arthur Royd – Joe Brooks
- Bella Hitchins – Jan Stevenson
- Marcia Brent – June Easden
- Adrian Beresford – David Green
- Jim Brent – Tony Feltham
- Ella Spender – Barbara Trebilco
- Denys Royd – Richard Johns
- Rowena Marriot – Carolyn Woodward
Creative Team
- Director – Christina Barnes
- Stage management – Jim Ruegg, David Wright and Spencer Hare
- Prompt – Yvonne Goodman
- Properties – Barbara Hurst, Margaret Pope and Enid Davies
- Lighting – Chris Richards
- Sound – Peter Keeping
- Front of House – Daphne Young
- Set Design – Members of the Club
- Poster Design – Steve Wells

Wimborne drama Club’s 60th anniversary year got off to a cracking start last week with their production of Esther McCracken’s comedy Quiet Weekend.
When a couple slip away to their country retreat for a peaceful couple of days, you know that it is going to be anything but quiet. The arrival of unexpected friends and relatives, and a series of mishaps – not least of which involves a local magistrate going on an illicite paoching trip – ensure that there is plenty going on.
Drama club veteran Joe Brooks took on the same role as when they first prresented the play, 15 years ago and put considerable character into the part of father of the household Arthur Royd. Joyce Eidmans mad a comeback to the boards after two years to be the motherly Mildred his wife and Richard Johns took on his biggest part yet as the Royd’s sarcastic son Denys.
But it was Barbara Trebilco who stoll the show as their dotty neighbour Ella Spender. Wearing an outrageous floral hat, that would have stunned Ascot, she was deligtfully over the top. “Don’t look at my hat – Iknow it’s appalling but luckily it’s worse for you than for me because I don’t have to see it” she telles them. Mavis Hazleden was equally able to make a virtue out of overacting as her pigtailed brat of a daughter Sally.
It was a big cast – 13 strong – and a big play for Tina Barnes to take on as her first production, but she succeeded very well. I particularly liked the way she handled fast moving dialogue between two pairs of actors on the large and very attractive set.
Club chairman David Green made a distinguished return to the stage as the local gentleman magistrate Adrian Barasfordwho takes Arthur salmon fishing and ends up in the river. carolyn Woodward added a touch of glamour as the shapely Rowena and Jan Stevenson was splendid in the cameo role of Bella, the bumbling maid.
My biggest criticism is with the play itself which I felt was dated and showing it’s age. A strong cast and good production went some way to remedy this.
Others cast included Jim Ruegg as poacher Sam Pecker, Shirley Ilott as Miranda and June Easden and Tony Feltham as the argumentative couple Marcia nd Jim Brent.