Written By
Anthony Kimmins
Where and When
13th – 15th April 1978 @ The Allendale Community Centre, Wimborne
The Plot
Lady Fitzadams, the wife of an army general, has hit on hard times needs to raise money, quick. But will her scheme pass her husband’s approval? Comedy ensues when Lady Fitzadams’s plan to open the general’s headquarters to visitors, brings home only handsome young fishermen…
- Corporal Sydney Green – Spencer Hare
- Private Biddy O’Hara WRAC – Raymonde Grenville
- Private Suzie Tidmarsh WRAC – Carolyn Young
- Lady Fitzadam – Elizabeth Anthony
- Major-General Sir Hamish Fitzadam – Arthur Brooks
- Private Albert Huggins – Nigel Woodward
- Private Willie Maltravers – Simon Jackson
- Sam Goulansky – Michael Waring
- Larry Hoffman – David Rushton
- The Prawn – John Anthony
- Uncle Joe – Richard Wollen
Creative Team
- Director – Thelma Dryden
- Stage Management – Roy Bruin and Richard Wollen
- Lighting and Sound – David Sherwill
- Properties – Sarah Anthony
- Prompt – Jean Lewis
- Production Assistant and Continuity – David Green

Best first night for many years
Wimborne Drama Club had its best first night for many years when it put on The Amorous Prawn by Anthony Kimmins at the Allendale Centre this week.
There were more than 100 people present – about twice the usual number for a first night – and apart from a sluggish opening scene they were rewarded by yet another polished performance from the Wimborne players.
Producer Thelma Dryden was delighted to see the hall almost full but agreed that a quickening of pace would be required for the other two nights. “I was very pleased indeed to see so many people here for opening night” she said “and hopefully we have now reached the point where we have a regular following behind us. I thought that we could have done with speeding it up a bit” she said “but you must remember that tonight was the first night that we had worked with the props as they arrived late and not in time for the dress rehearsal”.
This year the drama club is celbrating its jubilee having put on plays for 50 years in the town and over the past few years their performances have improved significantly. The reason for this is probably the number of new members who have joined. Fresh blood always brings increased enthusiasm, and three of them who took to the stage for the debut with the club performed like old hands. There were no outward signs of nerves.
The three main characters of the play Corporal Green, General Fitzadam and Lady Fitzadam were played by Spencer Hare, Arthur Brooks and Elizabeth Anthony and they all gave solid performances. Elizabeth Anthony was just right for the part and she was the pivot round which everyone revolved. Had it not been for her expertise the play would not have been as big a success.
The dry humour of a Cockney brought a nice touch to Cpl Green from Mr Hare although Arthur Brooks could have done with being a little more convincing as a general. Carolyn Young and Raymonde Grenville as the WRACs, Suzie and Biddy, captured exactly the right flavour for their entirely opposite roles and helped to liven proceedings.
Again Nigel Woodward and Simon Jackson as the privates Huggins and Maltravers were in exactly opposing roles but brought out the giggles and the titters from the front rows. Michael Waring and David Rushton, as Americans, were also good for a laugh with Mr Waring managing the better accent and Jon Anthony as the Prawn was also very competent. Richard Wollen had the walk-on part as Uncle Joe.
Stage management was by Ray Bruin and Richard Wollen; lighting and sound by David Sherwill; properties by Sarah Anthony and the prompt Jean Lewis. David Green was production assistant and continuity man.