Written By
R. C. Sheriff
Where and When
14th – 17th May 2008 @ The Tivoli Theatre, Wimborne
The Plot
A company has ambitious plans to redevelop the quiet, picturesque village of Badger’s Green. The inhabitants mount a resistance campaign and it is eventually decided to settle the future of the village by playing a cricket match.
- Dr Wetherby – Jeremy Austin
- Mary – Carolyn Hewitt
- Mr Twigg – Colin Pile
- Major Forrester – David Pile
- Dickie – Ryan Clements
- Mr Butler – Tony Feltham
- The Secretary – Michaela Slatford
- Morgan – Andy Cragg
- Mr Rogers – Steve Symonds
- Mrs Wetherby – Jan Stevenson
- Mrs Forrester – Chrissie Neal
- George – Conor Feltham
- Mrs Evans – Caroline Papp
- Charlie – Alfie Tyson-Brown
- Albert – Edred Tyson-Brown
- Gilbert – Chris Brown
- The Chauffeur – John Bruton
Creative Team
- Director – Paul Hewitt
- Stage Manager – Stewart Glossop
- Prompt – Carol Bruton
- Costumes – Carolyn Hewitt
- Set Designer – Mark Eleen and Jackson Ellen
- Back Stage Crew – Rob Cording, Bob Huckleby, Richard Neal, Tracey Nichols, Peny Pearson and Simon Jackson
- Poster Design – Simon Priestley
- Publicity – Chris Brown, Ellie Cowley and Stuart Glossop
For The Tivoli Theatre
- Technical Manager – Russell Parker

Linda Kirkman – Bournemouth Evening Echo
WITH the curent local debate on cricket pitch versus superstore, Wimborne Drama’s production could hardly be more appropriate, proving that in some respects times have not changed at all since R C Sherriff penned his gentle comedy in 1929. It is well written, sometimes thought-provoking, and Paul Hewitt’s direction is spot on.
Much of the first half is taken up with a meeting of a cricket club sub-committee consisting of Dr Wetherby (the ever-excellent Jeremy Austin), Mr Twigg (Colin Pile) and Major Forrester (David Pile). They are intent on fighting a property developer’s plans, whereas I found myself fighting sleep – no reflection on the actors but probably a combination of the heat and the fact that I am a fan of neither cricket nor committees.
The second act is a much livelier affair, with a cricket match in full flow complete with a last-minute replacement in the form of aforementioned property developer Mr Butler (Tony Feltham in fine form). It also contains what for me was the best scene of the evening, in which publican Mr Rogers (Steve Symonds) shows maid Mary (Carolyn Hewitt) his plans for a re-vamped pub. The lines, and their timing, were a joy.
Marilyn Barber – Stour and Avon Magazine
Wimborne Drama bowled a googly with their production of Badgers Green, as the ending was never predictable.
It was a cheeky choice for director Paul Hewitt, for the comedy written by R.C.Sheriff in the 1930s, told the story of a pretty village threatened by a developer hoping to build a huge estate of bungalows. It was easy to draw parallels with proposals for Wimborne’s cricket pitch.
With its pre-war set which is cleverly transformed into the club scoring box, it was easy for the audience to imagine that it had been transported back to a less hurried era, which nonetheless was as enmeshed with the same personal rivalries as we see today.
The 17 strong cast had clearly worked hard on their characterizations, and I particularly liked Jeremy Austin’s portrayal of the cricket club president Dr Wetherby. No-one could have accused Jeremy of overacting and he always appears to be very comfortable and convincing in his roles.
You didn’t need to be a cricket buff to enjoy being taken on this trip through the vagaries of village life. It wasn’t a fast moving story, but who needs that when we all live such hectic lifestyles.
And it was good to see a play which offered opportunities for actors of all ages.