Leonard Vole is accused of murdering a rich widow to inherit her wealth. The stakes are high. Will Leonard survive the shocking witness testimony?
Category: Suzanne Viney
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Rehearsal For Murder
Playwright Alex Dennison is left heartbroken when his fiancée and leading lady Monica Welles is found dead from an apparent suicide after the opening night of her stage debut.
Andy Gill
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Rehearsal For Murder Cast Visit Tivoli
The classic 1980s thriller is set in an empty theatre
Andy Gill
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Rehearsal For Murder… Now in Rehearsal!
The cast and creative team get together for the “desk read”
Andy Gill
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Classic TV Thriller Adapted for Stage
A classic 1980s TV thriller, re-imagined for the stage, is our choice of play for October
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Bedroom Farce
Three bedrooms during one night and the subsequent morning. The eldest couple, Delia and Ernest, are getting ready to go out for a meal to celebrate their wedding anniversary…
Bethan Morris
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Lifting the Lid on the Secrets of Marriage
Alan Ayckbourn’s Bedroom Farce revived at the Tivoli