In this hilarious romantic comedy, Richard Gordon awakes one morning with a headache. It takes him a while to realise he is ill – after all he is a doctor!
Category: Iris Platt

Spider’s Web
Clarissa, wife of a diplomat, is adept at spinning tales of adventure but when a murder takes place in her drawing room she finds live drama much harder to cope with.

The Hollow
An unhappy game of romantic follow-the-leader explodes into murder one weekend at The Hollow, home of Sir Henry and Lucy Angkatell, arguably Christie’s finest comic grande dame.

Dinner With The Family
Delachume, a young man of considerable charm and no scruples, is married to a rich, hysterical wife then into Georges’ life comes Isabelle, a quiet young girl with a kind heart.

East Lynne
Lady Isabel is cunningly seduced by the villain into believing that the clandestine meetings of her husband and another woman are for romance rather than business.